How You Can Contribute?

Introduce yourself to your neighbours. Say hello to your neighbours and make aquaintances with them. It will be easier for you to put up your requests in the future or for them to feedback to you should they have any concerns.

Consider your neighbours’ lifestyle. Get to know your neighbours. What are their schedules? Do they need to work on midnight shifts? If they do, mornings and afternoons might be important for them to catch up on their sleep. Do they have any children? And when are their exam periods?

Be aware of shared walls. If you are staying in a condominium, HDB apartments, semi-detached or terrace house, you will be sharing the walls with your neighbours whether they are adjacent or below you. For your adjacent neighbours, move your noisy appliances away from the shared walls. If you are staying above someone, lay carpet, linoleum or rubber matting underneath your appliances. Minimize wearing of high heels indoors and running in the house.

Control your dog. Keep your dog on a leash and control the barking and/or whining. Consider seeking advice from your local vet or animal organisation.

Refrain from holding parties or large gatherings. If you have to host a party, limit the number of participants, keep it within a manageable duration and end it before 10pm. You are also encouraged to inform your neighbours about the party/gathering beforehand and give them a contact number if they need to remind you of the loud noise. You may also invite them to the party as well.

Highlight and remind your tenants on the right etiquette. If you are renting out the rooms or flat, explain to your tenants on the rules and regulations of Singapore and share with them the right etiquette of living in a community. If your neighbours feedback to you on the noise from your tenants, attend to it earnestly and try to resolve it with your tenants. If the problem persists, consider terminating the tenant lease.


Good Neighbour Award. Jointly organised by HDB, PA, MND on a yearly basis since 2009, this award recognise residents who have made a difference in the lives of their neighbours and community through their generous acts of neighbourliness.

HDB Community Week. An initiative by HDB to celebrate community spirit in the heartlands annually.

The Heart of Neighbourliness. Read about the heart-warming stories of 8 past Good Neighbour Award recipients who made a difference to the lives of their neighbours and community.

HDB Events Calendar. Find out and participate in the community events, talks, forums, seminars, exhibitions and promotional activities organised to engage you to be part of the community.

Be a Volunteer. Join Singapore Kindness Movement as regular volunteers and help promote kindness and graciousness.
